Friday, October 10, 2014

Rio do Prado, Óbidos, Portugal

Tecnical Information:
Project: Rio do Prado, Sustainable Hotel
Year: 2012
Number of roms: 15 (10 housing models)
Rooms Area: 45, 55 ou 90 m2
Location: Óbidos, Portugal
Architect: Sousa Santos Arquitectos

Different, Creative and Sustainable Tourism 

RIO DO PRADO is more than a brand new turistic complex in Óbidos, as it positions itself in the national and international context with a very strong focus on sustainability. The differentiation of its concept is the integration of several  ecological measures that guests can watch and share.
More than a tourist offer, RIO DO PRADO is an ecological center in constant innovation, with a strong educational and cultural dimension.

    • A + certification of all housing units;
    • Solar water heating baths and washing machines and dishwashers, supplemented with heat pump for aqs cop with 4.2 energy efficiency;
    • Use of low emissive double glazing in the accommodation and restaurant;
    • Green roofs in buildings for accommodation, restaurant, auditorium and spa;
    • Walls insulated with straw on the south and west in the Eco Lab;
    • Walls of the Auditorium and Spa in prefabricated concrete plates laminated with thermal insulation;
    • Use of concrete walls with a high percentage of ash from thermal power core;
    • Use of deciduous trees along the glazing elevations;
    • Solar control made ​​of reused eucalyptus shutters;
    • Ecological air conditioning with low consumption (A +);
    • Restauran Heated by an iron heat diffuser Fireplace;
    • There is a wood oven to support the kitchen;
    • Automatic energy deconectators in the suites; 
    • Production of electricity through photovoltaic garden; 
    • Illumination of the LEDs Suites (5w) and low energy bulbs (7W and 11W) and 20W LEDs in the pool; 
    • Use of TVs to LED; 
    • Use of pickups sunlight in wc'se service areas; 
    • Double piping system (supply and sewerage); 
    • Treatment of gray water (from baths) in the venture; 
    • Supply of recycled water to flush toilets;
    • Rainwater drainage with storage in lakes/reservoirs for later use in watering plants;
    • Stimulus of the biodiversity of flora and fauna with the creation of several wetlands (lakes):
    • Establishment of laboratory for the promotion eco-design (Eco Lab);
    • All mirrors and doors, elaborated with wood waste from the construction works;
    • Shutters and wall cladding for solar control, made ​​with forest waste (reused peeled eucalyptus);
    • Outdoor lighting made ​​with planks of reused pine and eucalyptus sticks;
    • Foci of interior lighting made ​​with MDF waste;
    • Reuse of metal packaging for waste carbarn in the suites;
    • Most suites rugs made ​​from scraps of fabric;
    • Supporting tables and decoration in suites made ​​from oak wood;
    • Óbidos Lagoon frames made ​​with old boxes of fruit from local farmers;
    • Support and reception tables built with old boxes of fruit coated with scrap wood from work; 
    • Grocery boxes decorated with various articles from local farm houses;
    • Restaurant tables "Maria Potato" made ​​on site from waste wood;
    • Restaurant chairs constructed from panels "Doca" used in concrete formwork; 
    • Use of green manure and vermicompost in the certified organic vegetable garden and orchard;
    • Creating and organic waste composting plant;
    • Door handles of the suites made ​​from thread waste;
    • Doormats in suites made ​​from eucalyptus wood reused;
    • Walking routes within the enterprise;
    • Little waterproofed exterior floors;
    • Encouraging the use of bicycles and bike paths in Ecopistas of Obidos Lagoon;
    • Use of electric vehicles in the logistics of the enterprise;
    • Software development "Eco Easy" with reading of electricity consumption in the sockets and light points; consumption of cold water, hot water and recycled water.

    This is a new concept of tourism in the rich ecosystem of the Óbidos lagoon area and grouped into 7 sustainability axes.

    1. Energy - Strong bet on renewable energy, using solar thermal and photovoltaic panels. The heating system water is accomplished through seven islands supported by solar heat pumps with efficiency COP 4. The indoor and outdoor lighting uses LED technology and heating/cooling is guaranteed by the geothermal energy of the half-buried construction, natural ventilation system and use of low-E glass and solar control shutters from reused eucalyptus trees of the surrounding forest.

    2. Water - We use all the gray waters, that come from baths and washbasins, and treat them in our wastewater treatment station, after recycled, this water supply the cisterns. Moreover, we took advantage of rainwater and reused the maximum water possible using a drainage system, which forwards them to one of several existing ponds which then provides the water to the entire irrigation system.

    3. Waste - We give special attention to waste selection through a separation system  of fats and solid waste and the creation of green manure and vermicompost, essential in organic farming.

    4. Mobility - Inside the Hotel it is only allowed to park or charge the battery (if you have an electric vehicle). Our movements favor this type of vehicle in the logistic while our guests enjoy the garden walking, and can use our traditional bikes -pasteleiras- to enjoy kilometers of bike path around the beautiful the Óbidos lagoon or do a horseback riding.

    5. Environmental Awareness - The project has a technology investment applied to the rationalization of environmental management through the pilot system "EcoEasy" with the introduction of multiple counters in energy consumption points of light and electrical outlets and water (hot, cold and recycled) that is used by each room. Through the internal television channel each guest can read their carbon footprint and, if they want, compensate eventual excesses, benefiting from a "carbon rate".

    6. Eco design - Always present in the construction and decoration of the enterprise, particularly with the use of raw materials such as iron or reused wood. Like the stick peeled eucalyptus resulting from forest thinning or the boards used in concrete formwork, there is also a studio that aims to invest in the development of techniques of reusing, as a way to mitigate the carbon footprint.

    7. Low Carbon Agriculture - The exploration of the organic farm is certified by the control entity Sativa and the food produced here is intended primarily, supply directly the restaurant, giving great food quality and meet the needs of guests. At the grocery store guests can take home the agricultural products. This way of consumption, such as the sale in local markets, ensures a very short carbon footprint and affirms the environmental richness of a new agriculture.


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