Why Sustainable Architecture?

The construction industry is responsible for around 50% of greenhouse's effect gases that jeopardize Earth's Balance.
Most earth's resources are finite, so the use we make of them today, will define the access that future generations of humans, animals and plants will have to resources later.
As a result of Man's cruel destructive activities, Earth's biodiversity is decreasing at a rate of about 50.000 species per year.
Human population growth and the exponential increase of the industrial activity are problems to face. Currently the world population is about 6.5 billion people and the United Nations (UN) believes the it will reach 10.2 thousand million in 2100. With our current lifestyle, earth's estimates that the world population will be 8.5 billion people in 2025 and will resources will end in a few decades.
Nowadays, it’s not enough to think sustainable, we need to step in. It’s important the awareness of all, because if a change in people’s habits does not take place, the planet will never again be what we know, thanks to the fast degradation we have witnessed.
The concept of eco-efficient construction, appears as a current necessity. includes not only the bio-climatic architecture as well as the reduction of depletion of natural resources, Biodiversity conservation, waste production and greenhouse gases emission, harmful, not only to Ecosystems but also to human health.
Although the world is still in its early steps for a more sustainable future, the race against the destruction and chaos of the world has already begun, it is up to all contribute to solving these problems.
Several simple changes can be made to put an end to environmental imbalance. Such as, using the wisdom of our ancestors, who built according to the climate and the raw material of the region. Reduce energy use and supply from renewable sources, consider water as a scarce good and use it wisely, reuse and recycle materials, manage waste in order to minimize it and incorporate it in new building materials.
Obviously, is not enough to use sustainability principals just for construction, they should be applied all over our lives, from big to little actions, using more eco-friendly transports, reducing consumerism, as well as recycle and reuse materials.
The concept of sustainability is to ensure that our actions and decisions today do not inhibit the opportunities of future generations. Lets respect them as we would like them to respect our actions today.

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